General InformationName:Age:Gender:Birthday:AppearanceInclude clothes usually worn, and over all general appearance. At least a paragraph. Images are acceptable, please use at least 2, one casual and the other in their school uniform.
PersonalityYour character's attitude, how they interact with others. At least one paragraph. You may opt to say you are using the Canon. If you do this you may not deviate from the canon in anyway unless you state so here.
Im going to be using the canon personality for Usagi but instead of being super mature and bad at school she does well in school and is more mature due to becoming Sailor Moon and taking her future as Queen seriously.)
HistoryAt least two paragraphs. Again you may opt to use the canon however you may not deviate from it. If you want any changes made to the canon you must state so here.
Im going to be using the Canon for Usagi, but instead of Mamoru she marries Seiya and has twins, Chibiusa and Haru, instead of just Chibiusa.)
Special AbilitiesAnything your character is really good at, or natural gifts. i.e. Rei is psychic, and Minako is really good at sports.
Magical Girl/Villain/Knight Information
Magical Girl/Villain/Knight Name:Transformation(s):[If a Magical Girl please include all Transformations, like Super, Eternal, Ect. And the phrases that they use to transform.]
Weapons or Items:Guardian (if needed):((Optional))
History as a Magical Girl/KnightInclude at least 2 paragraphs of the Characters History as a Senshi, Including how they became a Magical Girl/Villain/Knight.
Other:Difference in a character between Storylines.
RP Sample:Must be at least 50-150 words.
Prompts- You're best friend just called you in tears but you're on a date with your boyfriend for the first time in a month. What do you do?
The city is under attack! You're out with your mom and she doesn't know your secret and she wont let you leave her side, but you have to go and help your team save the city. What do you do?
Your talking mascot animal just brought you a dead thing as a gift. what do you do?